1 minute
That Re-Creation Video of the Dumb and Dumber Road Trip

For two-wheeled motorcyclists a 382 mile trip is quite doable but can still be a challenging trip when crossing the high plains and mountains. Only the dumbest people would do such a lengthy trip two-up on a mini bike though. If you recall that's what exactly happened in the movie Dumb and Dumber with the shows two main characters, Lloyd Christmas (played by Jim Carrey) and Harry Dunne (played by Jeff Daniels).
But if the mini bike scene in the movie isn't funny enough for you, what would happen if you made this same trip from the plains of Nebraska to Aspen, Colorado for real? That's exactly what Zack Courts and Ari Henning did in a YouTube video for RevZilla and Common Thread XP.
For background and a behind the scenes look behind the video check out Zack Court's article as well as a video reviewing the hog itself. It's a great video to watch just how much effort and perhaps how dumb (or is it naive) you have to be to take a similar road trip on a kid's mini-bike.