Fifty-Two Posts: Failure is in the Eye of the Beholder
I'm late, so you think. I promised you a weekly post this year and I've already neglected to provide you last week's story. Last weekend was a busy traveling hockey weekend for my son and me, but nevertheless you think that's no excuse for having failed you. The old me would have agreed with you. The new me says, that's bull.
By my nature, I'm a very task oriented person. I don't let go until the job is done. Several years ago, I started a 365 Photo Project with the goal of publishing a new photo each day of the year. By March, my joy in taking photographs turned into a miserable experience. With only eight miles between home and work, there just wasn't enough interesting and inspiring photos to take on my daily commute. The year-long project I had envisioned only lasted for three months. I still can't crack a smile when I look at the photos I took during that project. I labeled that year's resolution a failure and to this day I still feel I owe somebody a couple hundred more photographs.
Let's not forget though, I started this year by stating that I'm not making any New Year's resolutions. Resolutions and checklists are great for getting things done that you have to be done, but they have become a distraction to for how best to measure my personal growth as a human being. My intention here is for me to reflect on my week it is not to write one post a week. So, while chauffeuring my son from ice rink to ice rink last week I knew I wasn't going to be writing any blog posts that week. If I had provided you a post last week despite the stress of having little time to do so, that would have been the real failure here. This isn't about completing a resolution but finding a better direction in life.
For those though that just can't let go that this my blog that literally says I'm giving you "Fifty-Two Posts a Year", please read the fine print. I can skip blogging one week and provide you two posts another week.