Social Media: Spending my time on Bluesky this Month

I have come to both hate and love social media platforms since joining them in the early days via Google+, Facebook, and Twitter. There are some days I just want to quit all social media. Yet, social media has become an indispensable tool for communication, connection, information sharing, and in some cases building community. For years Twitter was my favorite for microblogging, but as X, for better or worse, it's no longer the valued social network it once was for me. Like many of you, I've been looking for an alternative to Twitter.

Drupal 10 and the socPub Family of Websites

During the past seven days I've been upgrading our websites from Drupal 9 to Drupal 10. There are four of them which includes socPub, CMS Report, INFOTECH Pub, and After Work Pub. While one is never quite done with the work, we're quickly moving from the upgrade back to the maintenance phase of these website. As the dust settles down it will soon be time to start focusing on the content and presence of these websites.

Bryan Ruby: Out with the Old, In with the New

This past month I replaced a line of Hi-Fi speakers I've listened to and enjoyed for the past 20 years with a pair of new floor speakers from Klipsch. It's an acknowledgment that my hearing and tastes have changed and it's time to listen to my music through a new stereo system. This recognition of needing to do things differently has become a common theme for me lately. I'm finding the old ways aren't working and perhaps joy can be found again by doing something new. With this theme on change, instead of blogging only when I'm inspired by great ideas or events, I decided to blog every few days as I take part in the 100 Days to Offload challenge.

What Retirement Account Options Are Available for Tech Businesses and Their Employees?

Tech businesses and employees should have retirement account options that fit their needs. While they could stick with the traditional 401(k) plan, many other types offer more significant tax benefits and fewer restrictions.

Why Does the Tech Industry Need Special Accounts?

Tech workers’ incomes hit a record high in 2021. The average salary reached over $104,500, with many jobs seeing more than 10%-20% growth in earnings from 2020. Even though this increase is fantastic, it made some of the most popular retirement plans inaccessible.

The Social Media Checkmarks and Verification Mess

While all eyes are on how Elon Musk is handling the blue checkmark over at Twitter and debating the checkmark's value and devaluing, I submit the checkmark isn't just a Twitter problem but also a social media problem no matter what platform you're using. Over the past couple weeks, I've come to the conclusion that it is a huge mistake to confuse verification with designating someone as notable or not. The use of verification for only notable users, which in turns designates the remaining users as non-notable, is divisive and never should have happened. While I reluctantly have sided with Mr.

Next Gen LED Is Paving the Way and Leaving Conventional Lighting in the Dust

LED lights have been a money- and energy-saving staple for businesses and households. They are a convenient, simplistic switch to a greener lifestyle with long-term benefits. These bulbs have been burning bright since their popularity in the late 2000s, but it is time for a structural overhaul. Recent research proves there is still a long way to go before they are the ideal light source, so what does the path look like for the next gen LED lights?

Smart home management apps that engage consumers pivotal for loyalty and growth, insists Gamgee

Broadband service providers and router suppliers can revolutionize home networking and unlock new revenue streams and upselling opportunities by using a smart home management app which doubles up as a customer engagement tool, Gamgee’s CEO Paul Hendriks said today.